Work on 31418 has seen 12 overhauled fuel Injectors fitted along with relevant pipework. Work to the wheelsets has also been undertaken.
Work has started on renewing the steel above the handrail recesses at no 2 end with the corroded areas cut out ready for renewal. Door frames and cab doors are being ‘adjusted’ to fit….
No 1 end cab doors have had all corroded steel cut out and replaced. Both doors are now off-site and having internal wood replaced.
31418 is presently sheeted over and stored in ‘C’ Bay. Unfortunately due to contract work, it has had to be moved out of the PRCLT West Shed until mid March. Due to the wet atmosphere in ‘C’ Bay little work will be carried out until it is moved out into a shed with a roof ! It is then hoped to complete work to its restoration.